Currency exchange in Ensenada Baja California

Before traveling and arriving in Ensenada Baja California , it's essential to know where to get dollars to exchange in a bank or local currency exchange house. Browse the map below to find currency exchange near Ensenada Baja California.

In them, you can exchange different currencies and foreign currencies such as Dollars, Euros, Reais, Colombian Pesos, Canadian Dollars, Money Orders, etc.

Where can I exchange currency in Ensenada Baja California?

If you are looking for exchange houses, ATMs or banks in Ensenada Baja California where you can change to dollars or other foreign currencies, these entities can help you. Do not hesitate to contact them to find out the updated price and requirements for the currency you need to buy.


Juarez 520, Chapultepec, 22870 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Famsa del Pacíficio

Int 4, Av. Reforma, Buenaventura, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez 219, Fracc. Bahía, Bahia, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Banca Patrimonial

Benito Juárez 537, Hidalgo, 22800 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Prolongacion Calzada Cortez 1533, Independencia, 22850 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Prolongacion Calzada Cortez 1797, Hidalgo, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Calle Novena Poniente, Reforma, Bustamante, 22840 Ensenada, CHIS, Mexico

BBVA Bancomer Ensenada Mision

Avenida Reforma, México, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Blvd. Reforma S/N, Granados, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Atm/Cajero Bancomer Suc. Juárez

Av. Juárez 1502, Zona Centro, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Av. Juarez 1502, Obrera, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Atm/Cajero Bancomer Suc. 635 Ensenada Refo

Av. Reforma 444, Reforma, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

BBVA Bancomer

Avenida Reforma 444, Nueva Ensenada, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Blvd Abelardo L. Rodríguez 222, Nueva Ensenada, 22887 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Banco Santander

Av. Reforma 1250, Nueva Ensenada, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Caja Maestra

Calle Segunda, Obrera, 22830 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Intercam Banco Ensenada

Transpeninsular 396, Costa Azul, 22890 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Santander Juarez

Quinta y o Benito Juarez 1148, Zona Centro, 22800 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico


Delante y, México 1 100, Carlos Pacheco, Militar, 22880 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Nacional Financiera Banco Of&

Ave Alamo 341, Las Lomitas, 22785 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico

Reference prices in exchange houses in Ensenada Baja California

🇪🇺 5.49

Euros for 100 Mexican Pesos 🇲🇽

🇬🇧 4.72

Pound Sterling for 100 Mexican Pesos 🇲🇽

🇺🇸 5.90

Dollars for 100 Mexican Pesos 🇲🇽

The reference values of foreign currency exchange rates are an average among all exchange houses in Ensenada Baja California. Please contact your preferred exchange agency to find out the particular value of that exchange house and whether it accepts the foreign currency you wish to exchange.

Does the info on this page help you? Give us a

  • Where is the best place for currency exchange?
  • It is always advisable to change in official entities such as banks or official currency exchange branches. It is also recommended to take all the security measures (more details below) to be able to exchange dollars without surprises. Keep in mind that some banks only allow their clients to obtain foreign currency. If you are not a customer, it could be an issue.
  • Is it a good idea to travel with Traveler's Checks?
  • They are a waste of time (long queues at slow banks) and money (fees to get them, fees to collect them).
  • Do I have to pay everything in cash or can I use my credit card?
  • Use your card to pay for more substantial items (usually hotel stays, shopping at large stores and restaurants, travel agencies, car/car rental agencies, etc.). Cash may be left for minor expenses or emergencies.
  • If I need cash, should I take it out of the ATM as a cash advance on my credit card??
  • Credit card companies may offer competitive exchange rates, but many charge high commissions and interest rates. Besides, the interest on a cash advance begins immediately when you take the money instead of after the typical interest-free grace period for credit card charges.
  • Is the best exchange rate at the airport?
  • As a general rule, exchange houses at airports almost always end up costing more money than they should be spending. Even if they say they don't charge commissions or fees, they still charge you a much less favorable exchange rate than you would get in a conventional bank.

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